Monday, May 23, 2011

Letters Archive part 3 of 6

These articles are probably some of the most controversial of Don's letters.  These letters are on subjects from sunshine, not smoking and genuine affection to the health benefits of eating puncture vine (ie: goat heads--or, those little stabby things that are always messing up your bike tires), urine therapy, and Don's somewhat quizzical views on HIV and AIDS.  Happy Reading!

Don's thoughts on healthy living: 15 articles.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Letters Archive part 1 of 6

Alright, guys--Are you ready? Over the course of this week, I will finally be putting together the archive of Don's letters to the editor, as I've been promising for month now.

So, without further ado: Don's thoughts on his upbringing and family life. (19 articles)  To check them out, click the link below.