Monday, May 23, 2011

Letters Archive part 3 of 6

These articles are probably some of the most controversial of Don's letters.  These letters are on subjects from sunshine, not smoking and genuine affection to the health benefits of eating puncture vine (ie: goat heads--or, those little stabby things that are always messing up your bike tires), urine therapy, and Don's somewhat quizzical views on HIV and AIDS.  Happy Reading!

Don's thoughts on healthy living: 15 articles.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Monday, May 2, 2011

Letters Archive part 1 of 6

Alright, guys--Are you ready? Over the course of this week, I will finally be putting together the archive of Don's letters to the editor, as I've been promising for month now.

So, without further ado: Don's thoughts on his upbringing and family life. (19 articles)  To check them out, click the link below.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Did you know...

Well, it's been a bit since I've gotten to update the blog.  Things have been oddly complicated, but finally our technology issues are leveling out--and I can finally get back to it!

So, for starters, did you know that Don Schrader used to have a radio show?  From 1970-1975, Don hosted a weekly radio show, Search.  Don gave me access to what he considers the "better" of the shows he has, recorded on cassette tape.  If you're going to listen to the podcast, you should keep it in mind that back in the early 1970s, Don was still affiliated with the Inter-faith Alliance, and hadn't yet embraced or even realized his homosexuality.  That said, I think these are pretty fascinating.  I mean, if nothing else, it's interesting to hear what kind of music Don liked enough to play on his show.

Each of the shows are half an hour long, so I'm going to start by posting two.

Search with Don Schrader, February 1975

(or, download the whole dang thing as a podcast)

And second:

Search with Don Schrader, October 13, 1974

(or download it from the wayback machine)

Perhaps it should be mentioned that back in the day, when I lived with Brett, who will be working as Don's apprentice, I would often be awakened by him singing his best rendition of "Oh, Happy Day."

Otherwise, things keep clipping along.  The interviews continue--in fact, here's a snapshot from one follow up interview about his 'urine therapy.'  Don, as always, was prepared, this time with a letter to read me.
I'm sure you all are just dying to see him talk about drinking/bathing in his own urine, right?  I'll be sure to get a clip up one of these days.

Of course, as always, there is much more to come.  In the next week, I swear to it.

Also, many thanks, this time, to Joe Martinez and Desirae Brown for having the technology (and the generosity) to help me fix my computer, then make it backwards compatible with cassette tapes--your help was vital and thoroughly appreciated.

Monday, March 14, 2011

A Burque Bouquet

It's been a week--and what a week it's been.  Last week I had a production meeting with Don, during which he gave me multitudes more resources--in the form of letters, articles, books, dvds and cassette tapes--to go through as I pursue this project.  It's more than I can compile in any swift amount of time, but it is pretty thrilling to go through.

Over the past couple of months, Don has referenced an article that was written on him in 2007 as the "most accurate" article about him.  Don gave me a copy of the article, and told me to share it with anyone who might be curious.  In the interest of explanation for those who may not be familiar with Don and his lifestyle, I have posted it below.  Obviously I didn't write the thing--it was written by J.A. Montalbano for the Albuquerque Tribune, who did multitudes of interviews over the course of over a year in preparation for the article.  Much respect!
Here it is, complete with Don's hand written (in blue ink) annotations:

(all credit to J.A. Montalbano and Scripps Howard)

Whew!  Food for thought, there.  And while we're at it, here's a clip from January (note the hat and jacket) of Don talking about the way he learns from people and has become who he is today:

Now, I don't know about you--but I like this idea.  I think the logic applies well to the spirit of this project, and to the evolution of its presence here on the interwebs.

This week, we'll do another interview with Don. Also coming up: the archive of articles I promised last week (I'm having to brush up on my html knowledge, so I don't give you more posts that look like this! give me a break), a history of Don Schrader and Public Access, an introduction to Brett, and Don Schrader: Through the Years (in photos).

Prepare yourselves!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The Don's thoughts on music

Alright, guys, here's a first taste.  Obviously the "meatier" (perhaps that's a bad choice of words) stuff is still to come.

(yes--we are using a crap DV deck to capture the tapes--feel like helping?  We're accepting all gestures of community support.)

Friday, March 4, 2011

This first post has been a long time coming.  We here at the Don Schrader Project have sat down to write this out many times, but each time it has been a struggle.  To sit and write all of our ideas or intentions seems too daunting, so we've decided just to start.  This blog, much like the Don Schrader Project is in constant evolution, and will develop along side the rest of the project.

Some background, to start:
The idea for this project came about in mid 2010.  The idea is to do a documentary about Don, who has been a fixture in Albuquerque life over the last 40 years.  We all know him, and he stirs a reaction--whatever it may be--from almost everyone who sees him.  He is a remarkable character, and, love him or hate him, we all have questions for or about Don, and why he chooses to live the way he does.
The project, so far, involves three people.  Don, obviously, is the cooperating subject of the documentary.  Brett Muckler, a young progressively minded artist and actor, will be working as Don's apprentice.  He will bring the perspective of an open minded more nominally "normal" person coming from the working world to see how Don's practices and beliefs do or don't make sense for the larger world.  I, Lucy Gilster, am the curator of this blog, the filmographer for the film, and the hell-bent instigator of this project.  We'll get to proper introductions in future posts.
I've been working with Don for just about two months now, and though the project seems at times to be slow moving, each time I seen Don the project just expands in some new unexpected way. I've done a couple interviews, of which I'll post some clips, and Don has recently given me access to his personal photo albums, documents and letters, all of which I've been rifling through for a couple of weeks now.  I didn't realize the depth of the task at hand when I took on this project, but I have recieved a wealth of information--far more than expected--and I find myself more fascinated than ever.
In large part, the vision for this documentary was a natural progression from the community of Albuquerque.  I, personally, grew up in Albuquerque's university area, and knew who Don Schrader was by the time I could recognize Santa or Ronald McDonald--and I suspect I'm not the only one with whom there has been some connection with Don.  I'm hoping, that by starting this blog, I can bolster community support and get some of you--dear readers!--to get involved.  Do you have questions for Don?  Comments about him?  Email us at and we'll publish his answers.

So--by that logic--I'll even throw you all a couple for free--before you even have a chance to ask.

This is Don's yearbook photo from 1964, the year that he graduated.  He was valedictorian of his high school class.

This week, Don dropped off an envelope of what seems like hundreds of his published articles, categorized by subject.  They were wrapped in this note:

So, this week, I've spent a good portion of my time sifting through the letters, and trying to compile them into an archive for his viewing public.  With any luck, I'll have it up soon--but I have to keep my day job. 

So anyhow--here's to the Don! And many future adventures.